The Sumitomo Chemical Group is working hard to reduce its environmental impact. To do this, we have set out multiple goals, including protecting the atmosphere and aquatic environments, conserving resources and managing waste, properly managing chemical substances, protecting biodiversity, and protecting soil environments. Each worksite is striving to enhance initiatives aimed at achieving these goals.
We are focusing on the following specific measures.
1. Appropriate Response to Laws and Regulations
- By maintaining careful control of the execution and management of construction plans, we ensure appropriate response to notifications when changing the soil type of specified facilities that use hazardous substances and an expansion of opportunities for soil contamination surveys. (Soil Contamination Countermeasures Act)
- We have enhanced the evaluation and management of environmental risks related to substances expected to become subject to PRTR Act surveys. (PRTR Act)
- Regarding refrigeration units using CFCs and HCFCs, we are systematically upgrading to equipment that uses low-GWP HFCs or non-fluorocarbon refrigerants (Ozone Layer Protection Law). We are also minimizing fluorocarbon leaks into the atmosphere from refrigeration and air conditioning equipment. (Act for Rationalized Use and Proper Management of Fluorocarbons)
- We will systematically remove all electronic equipment that uses PCBs (in storage or in operation) by March 2025.(Act on Special Measures against PCB Waste)
2. Reducing Environmental Impact
Going forward, we will keep working to achieve our medium- to long-term voluntary management targets in the fields of air, water, soil, and waste, focusing our response on production sites.
Sumitomo Chemical Group has set forth safety, the environment, and product quality as top priorities in all areas of its business activities.
Responsible Care (RC) activities refer to the voluntary initiatives undertaken by business operators, with the goal of ensuring safety, the environment, and health throughout the life cycles of chemical products—from development through manufacture, sales, use, and disposal after final consumption.
The Sumitomo Chemical Group considers climate change to be one of the most pressing challenges facing society. By utilizing the technology we have developed as a diversified chemical company, we are working to reduce greenhouse gases. We are also responding to climate change risks and opportunities that are already impacting people’s lives.
Science Based Target Initiative
Science-based targets (SBTs) are greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets set by companies, based on climate science, to meet the 2015 Paris Agreement. The goal of the Paris accord is to keep average temperature increases to below 2°C compared to pre-industrial temperatures. In March 2018, medium to long-term plans for greenhouse gas (GHG) reductions were deliberated at our management meeting and we agreed to establish science-based targets (SBTs) in accordance with the Science Based Targets. In October 2018, Sumitomo Chemical gained approval from the Science Based Targets initiative for the company’s Group-wide greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets. Sumitomo Chemical is the first diversified chemical company in the world to have obtained this approval.
By FY2030
By FY2050
By FY2024
Have Major Suppliers set reduction Targets
Scope 1: Direct emissions from factory operations, such as fuel use in manufacturing processes
Scope 2: Indirect emissions from purchases of power and heat from outside the factory
Scope 3: Emissions from the manufacturing and transportation of purchased raw materials covers suppliers accounting for 90% of procured raw materials and other items based on weight
As part of our effort, we identify as “Sumika Sustainable Solutions (SSS) select products and technologies that offer technology-based value in addressing our environmental challenges. Sumika Sustainable Solutions are those Sumitomo Chemical Group products and technologies that contribute to mitigating global warming and reducing environmental burdens. By promoting the development of these products, we are helping to build a sustainable society. Find out more here.
For more information, learn more here.