Overview of Our Sustainability Work
Basic Principles for Promoting Sustainability
Guided by our Business Principle of maintaining harmony and benefit between the individual, government, and society, the Sumitomo Chemical Group strives to address a wide array of challenging societal and environmental issues. Our innovative technology supports not just our own growth, but also the creation of a sustainable world.
Our Sustainability Promotion Committee accelerates the Company’s initiatives in support of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
In January 2019, to further strengthen our commitment to sustainability, the Sumitomo Chemical Group established a series of Basic Principles for Promoting Sustainability:
1: Creating economic value which helps create social value
2: Contribution to solving globally vital issues
3: Active participation in global initiatives
4: Collaboration with stakeholders
5: Top management commitment and participation by all
6: Enhancing Corporate Governance
Additional information on the six principles is available here.
Material Issues and Foundations for Business Continuity
Sumitomo Chemical has identified seven material issues that it is addressing to create sustainable economic and social value. The material issues serve as beacons as we pursue initiatives that contribute to the establishment of a sustainable society. They are important for two reasons: they create social value, involving initiatives directly related to Sumitomo Chemical’s current businesses, and they create future value, involving initiatives that address the Company’s business prospects.
In addition to the seven material issues, we consider the following matters as essential to our business foundation: occupational safety and health and industrial safety and disaster prevention; product safety and quality assurance; respect for human rights; healthcare; compliance; and anti-corruption. Although we do not deem these matters to be material in themselves, they are necessary for value creation. The Sumitomo Chemical Group will continue to work aggressively on these matters and will disclose its efforts to external parties.
Material Issues
Material Issues for Social Value Creation
Contribution to reducing environmental impact
- Mitigation of climate change
- Contribution through products and technolgies
- Efficient use of energy and resources
- Contribution to the recycling of plastic resources
Contribution to solving food issues
Contribution to solving healthcare issues
Contribution to ICT innovation
Material Issues for Value Creation in the Future
Promotion of technology innovation and research and development
Initiatives for digital innovation
Promotion of diversity and inclusion
Foundations for business continuity
- Occupational safety and health and Industrial safety and disaster prevention
- Product safety and quality assurance
- Respect for human rights
- Healthcare
- Compliance
- Anti-corruption